5 Tips for Cutting Back on Grocery Spending as Prices Rise

5 Tips for Cutting Back on Grocery Spending as Prices Rise

Inflation is a hot topic. It's affecting our daily lives and it's particularly noticeable at the grocery store. Grocery prices have risen by about 12% from last year, with some categories seeing even higher increases.

These higher prices are particularly noticeable on staple items like eggs, beef, and milk. These price hikes can put a strain on our budget, even for the savviest shoppers. For example, if your grocery budget is usually $400, a 12% increase in prices means that it's now stretched to a whopping $448.

But there are ways to help reduce your spending on groceries without sacrificing the quality of your meals. Here are 5 tips for cutting back on costs at the grocery store when inflation is driving prices up.

1. Get planning

Planning your meals can help save you money in many ways. One of the biggest benefits is that making a grocery list can help you avoid impulse purchases that can quickly add up.

When you have a plan and stick to it, you're more likely to use what you buy as well as what you already have on hand. This can help you avoid unnecessary purchases, cut costs & reduce waste. In fact, research suggests that households typically waste about 30% of the food they buy by throwing it away.

Having a dinner plan for the week (including a few lunches and breakfasts) can also help you cook at home more often and avoid the temptation of more expensive takeout options on busy days.

Your plan doesn't have to be complex, but simply writing down a few recipes and then shopping for the ingredients can be an effective strategy for saving money at the grocery store.

2. Look for sales at the grocery store

Many of us are already familiar with using coupons and looking for sales at the grocery store. But if you're not currently doing this, it's not too late to start. Most grocery stores offer discounts on various products throughout the store, and combining these discounts with coupons can help you save a significant amount of money.

If you shop online using a grocery delivery or pickup service, you can also try using virtual coupons or filtering products by what's on sale. Additionally, if there is a grocery store you frequent, make sure you're signed up for their rewards program to earn points and save even more.

One of my favorite strategies is to first look at what's on sale and then add some of those foods into my meal plan for the week. This way, I'm not tempted to buy extra foods just because they're on sale. I also check for coupons on the foods I typically purchase.

3. Save money on protein-rich foods

Protein-rich foods like meat, poultry, and seafood can be some of the more expensive items on our grocery lists. However, there are ways to save money on these items without giving up meat altogether (if you don't want to).

It's true that many plant-based proteins, like beans and tofu, are cheaper than meat. Trying a meatless meal or two can help you save money on your groceries.

Another way to save on meat is by choosing less expensive cuts. For example, ground meats, top round steaks, or chicken thighs (as opposed to chicken breasts) are generally less expensive. You can also talk to your butcher or compare prices at different stores to find the best deals.

Since protein can be pricey, it may make sense to stock up on it when it's on sale, especially if you have enough freezer space. This way, you can freeze the meat and thaw it when you're ready to cook.

You can also stretch your meat further by incorporating it into dishes that also include vegetables and grains, such as stir-fries, burgers, or casseroles.

There are many small ways you can save money on protein-rich foods without making drastic changes to your diet. It's all about being strategic and finding what works best for you.

4. Maximize savings on groceries by purchasing in bulk

While buying in bulk can be a great way to save money on groceries, it's important to remember that it's not always the smartest choice. This is especially true if you're not cooking for a large family or don't have enough space to store all the extra food at home.

Big box stores like Costco, Sam's Club, & BJ's offer great deals on groceries for families who need to stock up on a lot of food but even if you're not cooking for a crowd, you might find that buying certain staple foods in bulk can help you to save money.

If you don't have a membership to a warehouse store or enough space at home to store extra food, you can usually still save money by buying larger sizes (just make sure to check the unit prices) at your regular grocery store.

5. Shop around to save on groceries

Many of us tend to be loyal to a particular grocery store, but switching things up can help save money on your grocery bill. Depending on sales and promotions, you may want to consider shopping at different stores to take advantage of the best deals.

In addition to big box stores, there are other retailers that offer competitive prices on groceries. Stores like ALDI and Trader Joe's have gained loyal followings for offering great prices on their items. Even dollar stores can be a good source of inexpensive grocery staples.

Of course, not everyone has the ability to shop at different stores due to factors like location and accessibility. But if you can mix up where you shop, you may be able to save some money on your groceries.

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