Health tools & calculators
Body Measurement calculators
GoBMI stands for Body Mass Index and it's a one-dimensional parameter for assessing body type/category.
Body fat
GoBody fat percentage plays an important role in distinguishing between a healthy and an obese individual.
Waist-Hip ratio
GoThe waist-hip ratio is an indicator or measure of health, and the risk of developing serious health conditions.
Dietary Calculators
GoYour BMR is equivalent to the amount of energy (in the form of calories) that your body needs to function.
Calorie Calculator
GoThe recommended calorie intake, or TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), depends on many factors.
Diet Risk
GoComputes the mortality risk connected to your food habits and gives the result as points scored in 9 categories.
Macronutrients Calculator
GoMacronutrients are food components that we need to take in on a daily basis to ensure our organisms are working properly.
General Health
COVID-19 Mortality Risk
GoUnderstand how your comorbidities affect how serious the disease might be if you get infected with the virus.