BMI Calculator

If you're here, you're likely wanting to find an answer to the questions "How do I find my BMI?" or "What is my BMI?". To find out, use the calculator below.

What is BMI?

Let's start with the basics. BMI stands for Body Mass Index and it's a one-dimensional parameter for assessing body type/category. Depending on the value, you can fall into one of three main categories: underweight, normal or overweight. There are other subcategories, but these three represent the most important groups.

You can actually even calculate it by yourself using the following BMI formula:

BMI = weight / height²

It is important to pay attention to the units as the BMI calculation is measured in kg/m².

As you can see, BMI is very simple to calculate which is both its biggest strength and its biggest flaw. As it uses only height and weight, it leaves out a considerable amount of other factors that affect a persons body composition such as their body fat, lean body mass or body water percentage. These also play a big role in the correct functioning of our bodies.

With that in mind, use BMI values as a general guideline of your health. If you're interested in finding out what type of body you have rather than your body mass index, take a look at our waist to height ratio calculator and body type tool where you will find all the necessary information.